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Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)


Tarabanov Nikolay

National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia, E-mail: nikotar@mail.tsu.ru

Publications in yearbook

The issue of hierarchical organization of cognitive practices – revealed by postmodernist critics – still influences on the interaction between science and religion. The formation of new (post-narrative) type of coexistence between discourses is important for the problem of correlation between scientific and religious ways of knowing the world. The problem can be considered through the analysis of historical interactions between science and religion in the light of the concept “rationality”. We investigate the question of possible definitions of rationality in different cognitive practices by the comparative and conceptual analysis of the Stepin’s conception of historical change of scientific types of rationality (classical, nonclassical, and post-nonclassical), as well as the ways of relation between science and religion in Haught’s (conflict, contrast, contact, collaboration) and Barbour’s (conflict, independence, harmony, dialogue, integration) conceptions. The “classical rationality”, in this analysis, is appeared to be as producing the conflict between science and religion, the “nonclassical rationality” – as founding their independence (contrast), and the “post-nonclassical rationality” – as enabling the active interaction between them in different ways (contact, collaboration, dialogue, integration). We explain the historical change of types (or ways) of relation between science and religion from the point of interval-continual approach, which combines the view on continual nature of truth with the idea of truth as revealing exclusively within a certain conceptual and theoretical interval. Thus, the dialectic of rational and non-rational is appeared to be as historical change of types of relation between science and religion. We conclude that the development of the dialectic goes from the hypostatization of epistemological dimension of rationality to the recognition of ontological dimension of rationality. That is why interval-continual approach can be used as еру theoretical basis for a description of possible ways of relationship between science and religion.

Keywords: faith, interval-continual approach, rationality, reason, religion, science, truth.

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Tarsheva Mira

Orel Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia named after V.V. Lukyanov, Orel, Russia, E-mail: tarsevamirabella@gmail.com


Publications in yearbook
Formation of the Institution of Mediation in Russia and Abroad
Abstract. The resolution of legal conflicts with the participation of a mediator is a resource mechanism for saving time, money and effort of the disputing parties in the process of reaching a consensus. Conciliatory practices involving a third impartial party have been known for a long time in many countries. This article is devoted to a retrospective analysis of the process of the restorative justice development and the formation of the institution of mediation. The philosophical prerequisites of mediation in the ancient and medieval periods and in modernity are considered. The author focuses on the historical and legal development of meditative practices both in Russia and abroad. In more details, mediation is considered as an alternative way of resolving criminal conflicts, revealing its essential characteristics in the field of criminal justice. The author concludes that the existing rules of criminal procedure law contain the prerequisites and resources that are necessary for the implementation of mediation in the domestic criminal proceedings. There are three models of mediation depending on the stage of its application: prior the initiation of the criminal case; after the initiation of a criminal case; the penitentiary model of mediation. The retrospective analysis of the process of establishing the institution of mediation in Russian and foreign law draws attention to the fact that the origins of conciliatory practices with the participation of the mediator had existed in ancient society. At an early stage of development, restorative justice was reflected in the ideas of Mayevtics; during the Middle Ages, media practices were practically not applied. The period of modernity was more fruitful; it “revitalized” the restorative justice, finding its reflection in the humanistic ideas of writers and philosophers. Philosophical ideas of the modernity deeply influenced the historical andlegal establishment of the institution of mediation in Russia and in foreign countries. At the present stage of development, mediation is used as an alternative procedure for resolving a dispute. The methodological basis of the work is formed by the universal (dialectical-materialistic) methodology in combination with other general scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, systemic method, etc.); special legal methods: comparative legal, sociological, legal dogmatic, etc.
Keywords: mediation; restorative justice; intermediation; conciliatory practices; criminal proceedings; alternative way to resolve criminal conflict
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Formation of the Institution of Mediation in Russia and Abroad
Abstract. The resolution of legal conflicts with the participation of a mediator is a resource mechanism for saving time, money and effort of the disputing parties in the process of reaching a consensus. Conciliatory practices involving a third impartial party have been known for a long time in many countries. This article is devoted to a retrospective analysis of the process of the restorative justice development and the formation of the institution of mediation. The philosophical prerequisites of mediation in the ancient and medieval periods and in modernity are considered. The author focuses on the historical and legal development of meditative practices both in Russia and abroad. In more details, mediation is considered as an alternative way of resolving criminal conflicts, revealing its essential characteristics in the field of criminal justice. The author concludes that the existing rules of criminal procedure law contain the prerequisites and resources that are necessary for the implementation of mediation in the domestic criminal proceedings. There are three models of mediation depending on the stage of its application: prior the initiation of the criminal case; after the initiation of a criminal case; the penitentiary model of mediation. The retrospective analysis of the process of establishing the institution of mediation in Russian and foreign law draws attention to the fact that the origins of conciliatory practices with the participation of the mediator had existed in ancient society. At an early stage of development, restorative justice was reflected in the ideas of Mayevtics; during the Middle Ages, media practices were practically not applied. The period of modernity was more fruitful; it “revitalized” the restorative justice, finding its reflection in the humanistic ideas of writers and philosophers. Philosophical ideas of the modernity deeply influenced the historical andlegal establishment of the institution of mediation in Russia and in foreign countries. At the present stage of development, mediation is used as an alternative procedure for resolving a dispute. The methodological basis of the work is formed by the universal (dialectical-materialistic) methodology in combination with other general scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, systemic method, etc.); special legal methods: comparative legal, sociological, legal dogmatic, etc.
Keywords: mediation; restorative justice; intermediation; conciliatory practices; criminal proceedings; alternative way to resolve criminal conflict
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Taylor Charles

McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Publications in yearbook
The Modern Moral Order
This work is a translation of the first chapter from Charles Taylor's book “Modern Social Imaginaries”. The author focuses on the hypothesis that we will be able to shed the light on both initial and contemporary contradictions in the understanding of modernity, if we take into account that modernity is inextricably linked with a certain kind of social imaginary. Distinctions between multiple modernities should be as well understood in terms of social imaginaries involved. Central to Western modernity is a new conception of the social moral order. Initially formed in the minds of several influential intellectuals, this concept later started to shape social imagination of different social groups, and then of societies. Nowadays the modern moral order has become so self-evident to us that it is difficult to consider it as just one of the possible concepts. One of the results of this order dominating over other conceptions in our social imaginary was the emergence of certain social forms that characterize the essence of Western modernity: a market economy, the public sphere, self-government, etc. 
Keywords: Modernity; social imaginary; moral order; the modern concept of the moral order
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Telenkov Aleksey

Perm Division, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, E-mail: AVTelenkov@rambler.ru




Publications in yearbook
On Correlation between Ethnical Russians ("russkie") and Civil Russians ("rossiane"): History, Present Day and Perspectives

The author observes the problem and history of relationship between two nominations: “russkie” and “rossiane” and suggests some ways of solving the problem in contemporary situation.

Keywords: Russian people, Russian ethnicity, Russian citizens.


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Tlembaeva Zhanna

Institute of the Republic of Kazakhstan Legislation, The Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, E-mail: zhanna.ot@mail.ru

Publications in yearbook

Abstract: The article observes questions of the organization of parliamentary oversight and improving the mechanism of parliamentary control in Kazakhstan. The features of the basic model of parliamentary control in the practice of state power of modern states are indicated. We analyze the constitutional procedures relating to the implementation of the control function of the Parliament. In the article, significant place is devoted to the analysis of control functions of the Parliament by the Government. The attention is payed to parliamentary investigation as the form of parliamentary oversight. Based on the study, the author concludes about the necessity of the development of legal provisions in the organization of parliamentary control, including parliamentary investigation. Keywords: Republic of Kazakhstan; parliament; government; parliamentary control, form of parliamentary control; inquiry; parliamentary hour; parliamentary inquiry.

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Tolkunova Natalia

 Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, Russia, E-mail: tolkunova2@rambler.ru

Publications in yearbook
Formation of the Institution of Mediation in Russia and Abroad
Abstract. The resolution of legal conflicts with the participation of a mediator is a resource mechanism for saving time, money and effort of the disputing parties in the process of reaching a consensus. Conciliatory practices involving a third impartial party have been known for a long time in many countries. This article is devoted to a retrospective analysis of the process of the restorative justice development and the formation of the institution of mediation. The philosophical prerequisites of mediation in the ancient and medieval periods and in modernity are considered. The author focuses on the historical and legal development of meditative practices both in Russia and abroad. In more details, mediation is considered as an alternative way of resolving criminal conflicts, revealing its essential characteristics in the field of criminal justice. The author concludes that the existing rules of criminal procedure law contain the prerequisites and resources that are necessary for the implementation of mediation in the domestic criminal proceedings. There are three models of mediation depending on the stage of its application: prior the initiation of the criminal case; after the initiation of a criminal case; the penitentiary model of mediation. The retrospective analysis of the process of establishing the institution of mediation in Russian and foreign law draws attention to the fact that the origins of conciliatory practices with the participation of the mediator had existed in ancient society. At an early stage of development, restorative justice was reflected in the ideas of Mayevtics; during the Middle Ages, media practices were practically not applied. The period of modernity was more fruitful; it “revitalized” the restorative justice, finding its reflection in the humanistic ideas of writers and philosophers. Philosophical ideas of the modernity deeply influenced the historical andlegal establishment of the institution of mediation in Russia and in foreign countries. At the present stage of development, mediation is used as an alternative procedure for resolving a dispute. The methodological basis of the work is formed by the universal (dialectical-materialistic) methodology in combination with other general scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, systemic method, etc.); special legal methods: comparative legal, sociological, legal dogmatic, etc.
Keywords: mediation; restorative justice; intermediation; conciliatory practices; criminal proceedings; alternative way to resolve criminal conflict
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Formation of the Institution of Mediation in Russia and Abroad
Abstract. The resolution of legal conflicts with the participation of a mediator is a resource mechanism for saving time, money and effort of the disputing parties in the process of reaching a consensus. Conciliatory practices involving a third impartial party have been known for a long time in many countries. This article is devoted to a retrospective analysis of the process of the restorative justice development and the formation of the institution of mediation. The philosophical prerequisites of mediation in the ancient and medieval periods and in modernity are considered. The author focuses on the historical and legal development of meditative practices both in Russia and abroad. In more details, mediation is considered as an alternative way of resolving criminal conflicts, revealing its essential characteristics in the field of criminal justice. The author concludes that the existing rules of criminal procedure law contain the prerequisites and resources that are necessary for the implementation of mediation in the domestic criminal proceedings. There are three models of mediation depending on the stage of its application: prior the initiation of the criminal case; after the initiation of a criminal case; the penitentiary model of mediation. The retrospective analysis of the process of establishing the institution of mediation in Russian and foreign law draws attention to the fact that the origins of conciliatory practices with the participation of the mediator had existed in ancient society. At an early stage of development, restorative justice was reflected in the ideas of Mayevtics; during the Middle Ages, media practices were practically not applied. The period of modernity was more fruitful; it “revitalized” the restorative justice, finding its reflection in the humanistic ideas of writers and philosophers. Philosophical ideas of the modernity deeply influenced the historical andlegal establishment of the institution of mediation in Russia and in foreign countries. At the present stage of development, mediation is used as an alternative procedure for resolving a dispute. The methodological basis of the work is formed by the universal (dialectical-materialistic) methodology in combination with other general scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, systemic method, etc.); special legal methods: comparative legal, sociological, legal dogmatic, etc.
Keywords: mediation; restorative justice; intermediation; conciliatory practices; criminal proceedings; alternative way to resolve criminal conflict
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Topychkanov Andrey

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, E-mail: topychkanov@gmail.com 


Publications in yearbook
The Idea of a University: Beyond Étatisme, Managerialism, and “Ivory Tower” (on Intermediary Functions of a University)
Modern universities often become a subject of discussion in the public sphere, during which the relevance of university programs, the financing of science and higher education, and a number of other issues are discussed. These discussions again and again prompt political theorists to reflect on the “idea of a university”. These ideas are associated with values, expectations and beliefs, and are most often expressed in the form of normative representations based either on pragmatism that define the university as a functional element of the state system, or on utilitarianism that required from the university to satisfy the economic demands of society, or on idealism that forces position the university as an “ivory tower”. The presented positions somewhat exaggerate the value of some of the university’s abilities to the detriment of others and distort not only the optics of research, but also the social beliefs that influences the development of state systems and universities. Based on the institutional approach, the authors of this article propose a theoretical position that allows to grasp the current pragmatics of the university community, the market and the state regarding the development of universities and their contribution to the organization of the societal order. According to this position, the university should be considered as an intermediary institution that has public subjectivity; acts as an organizational form of the university community and agent of societal relations; carries out a communicative exchange with the external environment (represented by societies, states, markets); creates conditions for the interaction of various agents of societal relations, including on their own space via a formalized rational public discussion; finally, it produces knowledge that influences the organization of the societal order. All of this taken together allows us to consider the university a mediator. This position of the university allows it to successfully fulfill its mediating role, both within the university corporation and outside it, balance between different social expectations and remain in one of the most stable and adaptive organizational forms that constitute the societal order. 
Keywords: university; the idea of a university; étatisme; managerialism; mediation; intermediary institution; societal order
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Tourko Dmitry

National Research University «Higher School of Economics», Moscow, Email: tourko.dmitry@gmail.com


Publications in yearbook
Phenomenal Minimalist Ontology of the Self
The article discusses the problem of whether the self, or the subject, is real. There are several realist and anti-realist solutions to this problem. The author interprets all possible positions concerning this issue as conceptions of a certain relationship between the phenomenal self (our experience of ourselves as subjects) and the ontological self (the referent of our self-representations as it exists apart from our self-experience). In line with what is called phenomenal, or experiential minimalism, the author concludes that the experiential dimension of the self is sufficient for it to be real without qualification. Providing an argument against anti-realism, the author differentiates between strong and reductive realism and maintain that selves criticized by anti-realists like Metzinger are things of strong realism (substantial and causally autonomous entities), while in fact selves might turn out to be the things of reductive realism (things emergent on other things). The author suggests a solution to another problem of the ontology of the self, namely the problem of characterization (What is the self, specifically?). By endorsing minimalism, the self is characterized as the experiential faculty. According to the suggested version of minimalism, having experience is a necessary and sufficient condition to be a self or a subject. All other properties ascribed to subjects in philosophical literature (such as self-awareness, moral agency, second-order desires or the ability to create autobiographical narratives) are contingent. Properties like these are of course attributes of subjects, but they are neither necessary nor sufficient for subjectivity. A subject who loses these properties does not cease to be a subject. On the contrary, a thing which has lost its experiential ability ceases to be a subject. In addition, there are non-human subjects who may lack all subjectivity-related features, except for the experiential faculty, and still be considered subjects. Phenomenal minimalism is a solution to the problem of the reality of selves. Subjects, or selves, are real as things with the experiential faculty. Finally, the author rejects pluralism (the idea that every subject is many things) and conventionalism (there is no non-contractual truth-apt proposition which serves as a solution to the characterization problem). Instead, essentialist realism is endorsed (the self, in a fundamental sense, is what is necessary for survival). 
 Keywords: self, subject, ontology, phenomenalism, minimalism, realism, anti-realism, experience, self-consciousness, philosophy of consciousness 
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Tovbin Kirill

Branch of the Russian New University in Gagarin, Gagarin, E-mail: kimito@yandex.ru




Publications in yearbook
Anti-modernism: Traditionalism, Fundamentalism and Conservatism

Abstract: the article discusses and compares main current trends of the resistance to Modernity. The article contains ontological consideration of the problem, which contemporary sociology of religion characterizes as post-secularization, or re-secularization. It is the process of external resuscitation of traditional spirituality and archaic religiosity. Present galvanization of religion and tradition has three formats: traditionalism, religious fundamentalism, and conservatism. Despite the morphological proximity, these spiritual movements differ substantially; they have different goals and different forms of consciousness and mentality of their adherents. Based on the methodology of the Traditionalist school, the author compares these movements in relation to the main link of the domain – Tradition (Full, or Sacred Tradition, which is called by traditionalists from the capital letter; it is distinguished from the popular cliché of tradition as existing civilizational inertia). The semiotic similarity of tra-ditionalism, fundamentalism, and conservatism in opposing secularism is revealed, as well as fundamental differences in the perception of the structure of traditional spirituality. The place of three trends in post-religion viewed as simulative postmodern spirituality is considered. Such mental phenomena as fanaticism and utopianism are mentioned in the article.
Keywords: tradition, Modernity, post-modernity, traditionalism, conservatism, fundamentalism, pseudo-traditionalism, secularization, Sacred, spirituality.

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Trakhtenberg Anna

Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, E-mail: cskiit@yandex.ru

Publications in yearbook

Abstract: The article deals with the question of citizens’ adoption of electronic forms of interaction with the authorities. It is shown that the concept of “e-government” is generated by the New Public Management (state as corporation offering public goods). Due to operationalization, “e-government” is transformed into a set of “e-services” as specific species of public goods. E-services must displace traditional ones (logic of exclusion). The author using the thesis of the asymmetrical relationship between the authorities and citizens hypothesizes that citizens’ “tactics of the weak” (M. de Certeau) are based not on the exclusion but in the inclusion (“bricolage”) of e-services in the traditional arch of action, the core of which is an informal interaction with the authorities. The data of the sociological survey conducted in the Sverdlovsk region confirms this hypothesis. Most successful “bricolage” of traditional and e-services is typical for representatives of the urban “middle class”: young, educated, with prestigious employment. They are the main beneficiaries of the transition to “e-government”.

Keywords: e-government, technology adoption, operationalization, “tactics of the weak”, beneficiaries.

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Abstract: The article analyzes the global concept of e-government. The conclusion is drawn that the concept is based on the “rupture talk”. The concept is characterized by the cyclical nature of evolution: the new versions are constantly appearing (the latest is the digital government). Each new variant takes into account the latest achievements of technological progress, however, the basic thesis about the rupture with the past state (i.e. the cardinal transformation of the classical “Weber” system of state administration) under the influence of information technologies, remains untouched. The concept functions as an “anti-politics machine”, transforming political and social problems related to the role of the state in the information society, to technical ones, and at the same time legitimizing the expansion of permissive powers of the authorities. Based on the analysis of “gray literature” and documents of the state strategic planning of the Russian Federation, it is shown how “rupture talk” remains stable due to constant rethinking, supplementing and supporting explanations.
Keywords: public administration; e-government; rupture talk; anti-politics machine.

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The Internet as the Sublime Object of Ideology in Anti-Capitalist Rhetoric

The author describes the evolution of the Internet analysis in modern critical theory. The utopian hope to make Internet the basis for the transition from “great society” to “great community” dissolves into the search of new methods for organizing “war of position” on Internet. The article describes how anti-capitalist critic sees Internet as transcendental object and revelation of “Electric Sublime”.


Keywords: the Internet, “Electric Sublime”, “Universal Machine”, instrumental logics, alternate sociality, alternate reality, the surmount of the body, speculative software.



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E-Government: Technocratic Utopia or Structure-in-Demand?

Empirical research conducted in the Ural Federal District in 2011 suggests that low trust in government in Russia serves simultaneously as inducement and barrier to adoption of e-government services, while high trust in government is rather a barrier. Highest e-government readiness has been demonstrated by citizens with average trust in government and satisfaction with off-line service quality. 
Keywords: e-government, e-readiness, technocratic utopia, technology acceptance model, trust in government.

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Information Revolution in Russia: Gender Differences in the Process of Social Shaping of IT in a Small Ural Town

The main directions of feminist sociology of techno-science are considered. Techno-feminism is chosen as methodological ground for the analysis of results of empirical research of IT adaptation in town Polevskoi of Sverdlovsk oblast'.

Keywords: techno-feminism, SCOT, domestication of technology, IT, mobile phones.

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E-government: is "Reinventing the Government" Possible?

The paper shows that e-government rhetoric constantly comes into conflict with the practice of e-government implementation. In rhetorical terms, e-government is seen as a tool for REGO designed to provide the transition from rigid hierarchical structures of traditional public administration to integrated “one-stop government”. Information technologies make possible for authorities to do more with less and ensure citizen empowerment. This approach combines normative theory of democracy with technocratic utopia. But the real process of e-government implementation regularly runs into organizational resistance, and it is accompanied by numerous failures of costly projects. Conservative officials who do not want to work as expected are usually blamed for these failures. However, from the neo-institutionalist point of view, the failures are the result of public administration desire to confirm its legitimacy, at the same time ignoring the effectiveness of the proposed measures. It seems that new technologies implementation is a ritual that allows showing the administration modernity and social responsibility. It means that e- government may cause some incremental changes that could potentially generate cumulative effect. 

Keywords: e-government, new public management theory, neo-institutionalism, institutional isomorphism, institutional myth.

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"Things which have been inaccessible earlier": Computers and the Internet in the everyday reality

The author analyzes how Internet and computer users include these new technologies into social context and ideological constructions which are used for this purpose. She shows the cultural difference in understanding of computer-mediated communication and social consequences of information revolution depending on users’ skills and demographical status. The article is based on the results of focus-group series, which took place in Ekaterinburg.

Keywords: elite discourse, common sense constructions, mass culture, information poverty, information richness

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Trutenko Elena

Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia, Lipetsk Branch of the Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Lipetsk, Russia, E-mail: shiboko@yandex.ru

Publications in yearbook
Commemorations of Cancel Communities in the Context of Digitalization
The article is a theoretical study of the transformation peculiarities of commemorations within modern cancel communities in the context of the influence of digitalization on the ways of recording, storing, reproducing and transmitting collective memory. Based on the constructivism of Pierre Bourdieu and the analysis of the contemporary social movements such as Black Lives Matter and Rhodes Must Fall, the article highlights the main features of modern cancel communities as mnemonic communities: an exaggerated focus on protest as an ideological basis for deconstructing the past, the construction of continuity with historically marginalized groups, the key role of digital technologies, the practical nature of commemorations and the expression of counter-memory, as well as the transnational nature of memory culture practices. Findings from the third wave memory studies underscores the significance of the digital turn in the field of memory research. This is evident in the emergence of new types of mnemonic communities, where the decisive role is played not by common patterns of identity, but by connective networks and hashtag interactions. The use of key concepts of digital memory studies – connective turn, globital memory, digital archive, gamification – as a theoretical framework allows us to identify and analyze the main trends in the transformation of commemorative practices in cancel communities in the context of digitalization. These trends include the amplification of commemorative practices in cancel communities and their unique temporality, the growing importance of the individual participation and mnemonic activism, the internationalization of commemorative practices, the rising influence of latent and passive forms of participation, and the active development of digital archives that serve as an alternative memory institution, focusing on protest forms of representation of the past. 
Keywords: cancel culture, cancel communities, digital memory studies, connective turn, globital memory, digital archive, gamification
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Tumanova Anastasiya

 Department of Theory and History of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow), Moscow, E-mail: anastasiya13@mail.ru

Publications in yearbook

Abstract: The authors explore legal consciousness of Russian higher bureaucracy during the First Russian revolution expressed in its views on the problem of advancing political and legal system. They examine the role bureaucracy played in the course of defining the content of civil liberties and, more broadly, in the political development of the Russian Empire towards democratization. The authors analyze the impact of bureaucracy on the process of decision-making and policymaking. Bureaucracy is treated as the architect of the political and legal modernization of the Russian Empire as the country of “delayed modernization” at the beginning of the last century. The article demonstrates that policy of exercising individual rights and freedoms gave rise to confrontation between conservative officials who were skeptical toward the possibility of implementing civil liberties in the time of revolution and weakening of monarchical power, and reform-minded bureaucrats who were ready to create foundations for the «renewed order». Growing in conditions of deep political and legal reforms in the last decade of the Russian monarchy, the conflict between bureaucratic elites made impact over the policy of granting freedoms, turning it into the result of fragile compromise among the highest power hierarchy. In search for modernization of institutions, laws
and procedures, the enlightened bureaucrats defended the projects of reforms, according to which a person was given the opportunity to exercise his/her rights and to obtain certain guarantees for their implementation from the state, as well as the protection by the judicial system. Traditionalist views of conservative officials limited the content of reforms and adapted them to the conditions of the existing legal order. The reforms aimed at the implementation of civil liberties became the result of the views and influences of both progressive and traditionalist-minded bureaucrats.
Keywords: bureaucracy; individual rights and freedoms; constitutional reform; beginning of XX century; Russian Empire.

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Turkin Ilya

Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia, E-mail: ilya.turkin2001@gmail.com

Publications in yearbook
Cancel Culture as a Tool in the Struggle of Mnemonic Security Regimes
The purpose of this article is to identify the specifics of cancel culture in the context of politics of memory. To achieve this, the author addresses the following objectives: a) to theoretically justify the use of the concept of “mnemonic security regime” as a tool for analyzing cancel culture as a new form of social ostracism, b) to examine the functioning of mnemonic security regimes in the context of digitalization. Based on an analysis of scientific literature on memory regimes and international regime theories, the author concludes that a mnemonic security regime is a political project incorporating symbols of the past, built on formal and informal institutions that limit the actions of actors to achieve long-term good. It is emphasized that in the context of the decline of “global” memory culture, antagonistic mnemonic security regimes dominate, with cancel culture becoming a key tool in the struggle between alternative projects of the past. The article highlights several features of modern reality that influence the transformation of images of the past and the rise of cancel culture. First, the conflict between “old” and “new” mnemonic security regimes. Second, the lack of resources for actors to establish their mnemonic security regime as universally accepted. Third, the rejection of deliberation and the choice of conflict as a way to resolve contradictions. The article also examines the specifics of functioning of mnemonic security regimes in the context of digitalization. It identifies key strategies for maintaining one’s own mnemonic security regime while marginalizing others, including appeals to justice and to historical truth. The study concludes that atomization and conflict are defining characteristics of modern memorial discourse. 
Keywords: politics of memory, memorial discourse, mnemonic security regime, memory regime, security regime, political project, conflict, cancel culture, digitalization
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Tyutchenko Daniil

Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. E-mail: nowayborov@gmail.com

Publications in yearbook
The Influence of Hegelianism on the French Philosophy of the 20th Century: The Theories by Alexandre Kojève and Jean Hyppolite
The article attempts to reconstruct the influence of Hegelianism on the French intellectual milieu of the 1930s–60s represented by its leading figures. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that French philosophy is often associated with the idea of overcoming Hegel, without taking into account his influence, including on anti-Hegelians. To address this issue, the author turns to the theories by Alexandre Kojève and Jean Hyppolite, as well as their role in the formation of four famous philosophers. The first part of the article examines Kojève’s anthropological interpretation of Hegel and its influence on Georges Bataille and Jacques Lacan. It demonstrates that each of them developed his own anthropology starting from the themes that were in the focus of their teacher: negation, desire, and the struggle for recognition. They build their discourse around the analysis of the phenomenon of scarcity and the power of negativity in human existence. At the same time, they intend to move beyond Hegel and Kojève, discarding the idea of the end of history. Georges Bataille does this by appealing to the data of ethnology, and Jacques Lacan by developing his own concept of psychoanalysis. The second part of the article deals with the ontological interpretation of Hegel developed by Jean Hyppolite, which influenced Louis Althusser and Michel Foucault. In his commentaries on Hegel, Hyppolite criticized Kojève’s subjectivism and shifted the focus from the individual to the history of the concept and language. His followers also try to overcome anthropology and humanism within the framework of their own philosophical projects – Marxism in the case of Louis Althusser and Foucault’s theory of power-knowledge. Both thinkers started from the idea of a process without a subject and the critique of essentialism developed by their teacher. Along with this, they also use his concepts to turn them against Hegel’s determinism and teleologism. The author of the article draws attention to the fact that it was Hegelianism that anticipated some of the provisions of structuralism. It is concluded that Hegelianism was a prevailing condition for the emergence of the idea of overcoming Hegel in France. 
Keywords: Hegel, French Hegelianism, Alexandre Kojève, Jean Hyppolite, anthropology, negativity, desire, end of history
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