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Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)


Jameson Fredric

Duke University, Friedl Bldg Box 90670, 1316 Campus Drive, Durham, NC 27708. E-mail: jameson@duke.edu




Publications in yearbook

Abstract: In the article, the attempt is made to substantiate Lenin’s status as a political thinker. In doing so, the author seeks for Lenin’s philosophical concept, which could be regarded as essential to his political thought. Consecutively analyzing his ideas of party, socialism, and communism, as well as their place in his theory, the author concludes that the meaning of the political in Lenin’s theory as Marxist thinker is completely different from its meaning in traditional political philosophy. However, it does not mean that Lenin is not a political thinker. It is argued that Lenin’s political theory is characterized by the combination of the political and the economic, which becomes indistinguishable. The elimination of the opposition of the political and the economic in Lenin’s theory is fully embodied in his concept of revolution, which is therefore considered as the very core of Lenin’s political thought. Here, revolution is described as a unity of the event and the process where individual events and crises become the components of an immense historical dialectics, which is invisible and absent for the empirical perception in each of its moments, but whose overall movement alone gives them meaning. Underlining that revolution is the lengthy and contradictory process of systemic transformation that can ends at any moment, the author concludes that the true significance of Lenin is connected with his legacy to keep the revolution alive as a possibility before it takes place; to keep it alive as a process when it is threatened by defeat, routinization, compromise or forgetfulness. In this sense, according to the author, the idea that “Lenin is still alive” is identical to the appeal to keep alive the very idea of revolution, which today becomes particularly important.
Keywords: Lenin, Marxism, political, economic, party, revolution, Lacan.

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Jareno Alarcon Joaquin

The Murcia University, London School of Economics, Murcia (Spain), E-mail: jjareno@pdi.ucam.edu

Publications in yearbook

Abstract: Despite the fact that Western society often questions the need for the presence of religion as a political actor in the public sphere, many elements allow us to assume that this presence is beneficial both socially and politically. Such religions as Christianity created the foundation of a democratic society, in which human rights are respected. It is not just that belonging to religion helps a person to gain a special meaning of life. It also forces to respect certain basic values that play a relevant role in the political sphere: the dignity, equality and freedom. Religion adds the moral ectivity to these concepts, contributing to the moral improvement of the citizen.
Keywords: Western society, public sphere, religion, Christianity, dignity, rights, equality, freedom, citizen

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Religious Issues in the Analysis of Meaning

This work tries to discuss the influence Wittgenstein have exerted on contemporary relativism, analyzing the concepts form of life, language game, and certainty, among others. The analysis is made by means of raising the question on the relationship between the scientific language game and the religious one. My intention is to show the basic connections that allow us to overcome relativist perspective. The paper analyzes the place religion had in Wittgenstein’s life and in his first work («Tractatus») as well.


Keywords: relativism, language game, human form of life, religion, meaning.






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