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Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)




And I came to the following thought... (interview on the 80th anniversary of Konstantin Lyubutin (Interview prepared and conducted by Pyotr Kondrashov)

Gagarin, A. Loneliness as existentiale of Ancient philosophy (from Epicurus to Plotinus)

Kondrashov, P. Analysis of existential problems in Karl Marx’s

Verkhovsky, Il. Mythologem of «own-alien» in archaic
 reflection of the world (attempt of philosophical interpretation)

Dolgikh, A. Hellenistic philosophy and Christianity in the times of crisis of the Roman Empire in third century A.D.

Nizyeva, L. Influence of Ernst Mach’s ideas on Fritz Maunther’s language critique (based on private correspondence of Austrian philosophers and on E. Mach’s personal documents)


Belousov, A. Lobbying in the EU: corporations vs NGOS

Vasilenko, Yu. Spanish traditionalism in the times of transition:
 J.L. Villanueva`s nine ideological and value «mutations»

Nazukina, M. Recent tendencies of identity politics on regional level in Russia: actors, specifics, trends

Khmelinin, A. Issue of social justice in neo-liberal political doctrine and practice: theoretical analysis


Fedorov, A. On some tendencies of development of the Russian Federation’ criminal anti-corruption policy concerning criminal liability of legal personality

Emikh, V. Commissioners for entrepreneurs’ rights protection: international experience and Russian model

Kresin, O. German philosophy of national law in late XVIII – early XIX century and transformation of jurisprudence

Krylatova, I. Mechanisms of implementation and defense of human rights in the Russian Federation: concept, substance, structure and forms