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Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)

1. Manuscripts of articles in .docx or .doc format should be sent to the editorial board’s email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

2. Manuscripts submitted in Russian or English have to correspond to the subject areas of the Journal – philosophy, political science, and law.

3. Only manuscripts of previously unpublished and original articles are acceptable. All manuscripts are checked for plagiarism, self-plagiarism and other forms of ethical violations. In case of their detection at any stage of editing, the authors are notified of the refusal to publish. Manuscripts submitted to the editors are checked in various anti-plagiarism systems, the key one being Advego. A manuscript's originality level below 80%, as well as below 65% taking into account rewriting (according to Advego) may be grounds for its rejection.

4. Every submitted manuscript is subjected to a double-blind peer review. Peer reviewers involved are both external experts, specialists in the same subject area as the submitted manuscript, and members of the editorial board. If peer reviews fundamentally differ, the article will either be passed for evaluation to a third reviewer, or the decision will be taken by the editorial board itself. The reviewing procedure usually takes no more than two months.However, if the manuscript is recommended for revision and re-reviewing, the total consideration period can be extended to four months.

5. Based on the results of the review, the manuscript may be accepted for publication, sent back to the author for revision, or rejected. When accepted for publication, the article replenishes the editorial portfolio which materials are used for completing the next issues of the Journal.

6. Peer reviews are retained in the editorial office for five years. The editorial board sends reviews or reasonable rejections to the authors. It is also committed to sending copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in case of being requested.

7. The manuscripts should be designed in accordance with the Journal’s technical specifications. The recommended length is between 30,000 and 60,000 characters, including spaces. Font – 14 Times New Roman, line spacing – 1.5. Justified text alignment, no automatic hyphenation. First-line indent (without the use of tabs or space) – 1 cm. Page layout: top margin – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm. The main type of quotation marks in Russian language manuscripts: « ». However, if there is a quoted extract inside the quote, it is marked with “ ”, and the whole quote is marked with « ». The main type of quotation marks in English language manuscripts: “ ”. The subheadings of the main sections of the article are typed in bold in the center of the page.

8. At the very beginning of the manuscriptin the top-left cornera universal decimal classification (UDC) code should be indicated if possible. Then the article title is typed in bold, under which the author’s personal data should be provided: the name, patronymic (if any), and the surname of the author, affiliation (full name without a postal address; multiple affiliations are permitted), city, country, e-mail of the author. Next, an abstract comprising 2,0002,200 characters in length (including spaces) is placed. It is advised to contain the following information: relevance, purpose, theoretical and methodological basis, summary, and main conclusions of the study. After the abstract, a list of 510 keywords is to be provided.

9. Acknowledgement section includes information on the financial support (the funding agency and the grant number). Also in this section, it is possible to express gratitude to those who helped the author in working on the article.

10. At the end of the manuscript, information about the author should be placed: first name, patronymic (if any), and the surname, academic degree, title, and position held; ORCID, ResearcherID (if any); SPIN-code (if any); E-mail.

11. The information specified in paragraphs 810 (the article title, abstract, keywords, acknowledgements, and information about the author) is also provided in Russian if possible.

12. All tables and figures should be numbered in order of appearance and have captions. They should be both placed within the text of the manuscript and provided in separate files.

13. The Bibliography at the end of the manuscript includes only scientific literature. Notes, links to regulatory legal acts, statistical data, Internet resources, dictionaries, newspapers, etc. are given in the footnotes (12 Times New Roman, single line spacing, first-line indent– 1 cm). In-text references to scholarly sources are placed in parenthesis with the surname of the author or the compiler (chief or responsible editor), the year of publication,and, if necessary, the page(s) after a colon. For example: (Luhmann 1999: 204).

14. The Bibliography first includes alphabetically ordered works in Russian, then in other languages. A book (monograph, collection) indicates the year, place of publication, publisher, and a total number of pages. An article specifies the range of pagesWhen there are several works of the same author, published in the same calendar year, lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet (a, b, c, etc.) are added to the numerical year designation; this should also be reflected in the in-text references. If the publication has DOI, it is obligatory to be stated.

All works in the Bibliography are also arranged as References in alphabetical order with Cyrillic sources given in transliteration and translation into English: the name of the journal, collection – in transliteration and translation; the title of the book or the article, place of publication – only in translation; the publisher – only in transliteration. Sources originally written in English are given without changes, sources in other languages are also cited in English translation (Sample).

15. Publication of accepted articles is free of charge. No honorarium is paid to the author.

16. In addition to the manuscript, the author provides a written consent to display the published article in the electronic databases (Sample), as well as a written consent to make public his/ her personal data (Sample).