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catalogue – 43669
Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)

Skorobogatskaya Natalya

Abstract: The article considers the determinative significance of politics in the process of humane type development in the transition epoch from Middle Ages to the Modern Age. The system approach is a methodological basis of the theme research. Its implementation allows to group social, cultural, mental and historic factors of humane existence around system-forming basis, the function of which is the discretion of politics. Special aspect of the methodological method undertaken in the article is that provision of a rationale for the specific role of politics in a new humane type development is carried out a posteriori. Having defined a problem, the authors introduce an assumption initially based on the arguments of empiric character. Theoretical soundness of the assumption becomes apparent as some results are achieved and conclusions are formulated. The following results are obtained as part of the study. First, the individuality model typical for the Renaissance is reconstructed as the sphere of free self-existence of an individual where he implements his autonomy and totality of natural rights. Second, the conditions and causes of the origin of the phenomenon “the negative side of titanism” are found out, first of all, orientation to the lack of foundation (self- foundation) of a man of the Renaissance. Third, the mechanism of cardinal transformation of the antique model of politics, and origin of new politics that included “bare life” of the Prince into its structure are determined. Finally, the article proves the concept that Machiavelli’s Prince can be considered as the matrix of mass production of homo politicus of Modern Age. The authors attempted to bring out the significance of the problem of homo politicus of Modern Age as theoretical and methodological context, in which nontrivial subject and categorical relations between philosophical approaches of I. Kant, M. Heidegger, M. Foucault, and G. Agamben are determined. Analysis of this kind is necessary in order to prove special role of philosophy (metaphysics) in the existence of particular humane type. Accordingly, the main requirement to philosophy is to proceed from the combination of universal and historic as the basic principle. The novelty of the suggested approach and obtained results is connected with the provision of a rationale for the leading role of politics in forming the main characteristics of cultural and historic type of a man of Modern Age.

Keywords: project of humanism, “negative side of titanism”, “bare life”, power, Prince, homo politicus, politics as Modern Age destiny.

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