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Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)


— showed 11 articles from34


The Social Foundations of Postmodernism: the Attempt of Marxist Analysis

Lubutin Konstantin , Kondrashov Pyotr

Grounding on Marxist methodology of historical-philosophical investigation, authors analyze socio-economic and historical reasons of the beginning of Postmodernism. Authors conclude that Postmodernist philosophy is a natural form of mental representation of globalizing capitalism in the consciousness of certain part of intellectuals.

Keywords: postmodernism, marxism, critique and apologia of capitalism, determination of social consciousness and philosophy by structures of social being.

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A Unity of Alethic, Majoritarian, Epistemic, Axiological, Deontic, and Utilitarian Modalities in Two-valued Algebra of Formal Axiology

Lobovikov Vladimir

In two-valued algebra of formal ethics the author demonstrates a formalaxiological equivalence of alethic, majoritarian, epistemic, axiological, deontic, and utilitarian modalities as moral-legal evaluation-functions determined by two variables. This result is a complement to the paradigm of modal logic and “propositional attitudes”.

Keywords: modalities, alethic, epistemic, axiological, deontic, utilitarian, formal-axiological equivalence, evaluation-function, variable, algebra of formal ethics.


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Rights and Dignity of Russian Citizen

Fan Irina

The author examines contradiction between constitutional status of a citizen and real political and legal status of a person and analyzes the political and legal mechanisms of the implementation of rights and duties of Russian citizen. The absence of personal dignity acknowledged by the state is considered as a sign of anti-democratic relations between person and state.

Keywords: citizen, constitutional status of citizen, citizenship, mechanisms of implementation of rights and duties of Russian citizens, personal dignity.

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Specificity of the Medical Cognition and Problems of its Object's Integrity

Miroshnikov Yuri

The medical cognition is considered in the article as combination of natural-scientific, humanitarian and technological elements. The author argues that basic problem of medical knowledge is the absence of unified scientific theory of human being, which could explain health and malady in the framework of integral approach toward human being as the subject of culture.

Keywords: natural-scientific, humanitarian, technological elements of medical cognition, fundamental and applied aspects of medical knowledge about human being's health, norms and maladies, problem of integral scientific human being's pattern in the area of medical knowledge.

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Ontological Dimension on the Borderline between Antiquity and Middle Ages

Obolkina Svetlana

The article suggests the analysis of ontological strategies in the period of late antiquity and early Middle Ages. The author pays special attention toward second” sophistic. Ontological dimension of the epoch is considered as interaction and rivalry of philosophical, Gnostic and patristic traditions.

Keywords: ontology, sophistic, Gnosticism, hermeneutics, patristic, theory of nomination, mythological approach toward language.

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Political science

Contemporary Interpretations of the Subject Sphere of Political Philosophy: Methodological Analyis

Rusakova Olga

The author analyzes the following methodological approaches toward the subject of political philosophy: positivistic, values-based, deontological, conceptological, multiparadigmal, discoursive, structural-philosophical.

Keywords: subject sphere, political philosophy, positivism, values-based approach, deontological approach, concept, concept-sphere, paradigm, discourse, feminist theory.

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The State and Heterarchy: Actors and Factors of Social Change

Martyanov Victor

The article focuses on analysis of the ways of optimization of the state monopoly on intellectual norms, institutions, legal violence. The author studies the cases when such monopoly starts to be ineffective, or co-exists with alternative regulatory systems, or produces unexpected results. Attention is given to the analysis of the state efforts to overcome heterarchies and excluded components of sociality by restricting them, by incorporating uncontrolled institutional, intellectual, geographical spaces, partial societies into a universal monopoly of a “great society”.

Keywords: monopoly, state, heterarchy, centre, periphery, legitimating of the political regime, actors and factors of social transformation.

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Democratization and Militarization in Antiquity

Fishman Leonid

The article is devoted to the analysis of the link between process of democratization and militarization of social life in antiquity. The author argues that the very extension of militarization in long run was accompanied by widening of democracy.

Keywords: aristocracy, military discipline, democratization, hoplite democracy, political regimes of antiquity, estate etos.

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Instituonalism and the Problem of the Subject: the Analysis of Federal Relations

Ilchenko Mikhail

The article considers the perspectives of institutional approach toward changes of political system in order to overcome methodological shortage of subjectivistic models. The analysis of the development of federal relations demonstrates that stable interaction between political actors is a functional feature of federalism and key factor of federal system transformation.

Keywords: institutionalism, rational choice theory, elitist approach, federalism, federative practices.


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