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Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)


— showed 11 articles from34

Political science

Contemporary Interpretations of the Subject Sphere of Political Philosophy: Methodological Analyis

Rusakova Olga

The author analyzes the following methodological approaches toward the subject of political philosophy: positivistic, values-based, deontological, conceptological, multiparadigmal, discoursive, structural-philosophical.

Keywords: subject sphere, political philosophy, positivism, values-based approach, deontological approach, concept, concept-sphere, paradigm, discourse, feminist theory.

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The State and Heterarchy: Actors and Factors of Social Change

Martyanov Victor

The article focuses on analysis of the ways of optimization of the state monopoly on intellectual norms, institutions, legal violence. The author studies the cases when such monopoly starts to be ineffective, or co-exists with alternative regulatory systems, or produces unexpected results. Attention is given to the analysis of the state efforts to overcome heterarchies and excluded components of sociality by restricting them, by incorporating uncontrolled institutional, intellectual, geographical spaces, partial societies into a universal monopoly of a “great society”.

Keywords: monopoly, state, heterarchy, centre, periphery, legitimating of the political regime, actors and factors of social transformation.

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Democratization and Militarization in Antiquity

Fishman Leonid

The article is devoted to the analysis of the link between process of democratization and militarization of social life in antiquity. The author argues that the very extension of militarization in long run was accompanied by widening of democracy.

Keywords: aristocracy, military discipline, democratization, hoplite democracy, political regimes of antiquity, estate etos.

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Instituonalism and the Problem of the Subject: the Analysis of Federal Relations

Ilchenko Mikhail

The article considers the perspectives of institutional approach toward changes of political system in order to overcome methodological shortage of subjectivistic models. The analysis of the development of federal relations demonstrates that stable interaction between political actors is a functional feature of federalism and key factor of federal system transformation.

Keywords: institutionalism, rational choice theory, elitist approach, federalism, federative practices.


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"Electronic government" as the element of etatist discourse of information society

Dyakova Elena

The article analyses the concept of the “electonic government” and proves its ideological character as the element of etatist discourse of “information society”. The author uses official sites of Russian governmental powers as the example.

Keywords: “Electronic government”, “information society”, etatist discourse, official sites of governmental powers.

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"Things which have been inaccessible earlier": Computers and the Internet in the everyday reality

Trakhtenberg Anna

The author analyzes how Internet and computer users include these new technologies into social context and ideological constructions which are used for this purpose. She shows the cultural difference in understanding of computer-mediated communication and social consequences of information revolution depending on users’ skills and demographical status. The article is based on the results of focus-group series, which took place in Ekaterinburg.

Keywords: elite discourse, common sense constructions, mass culture, information poverty, information richness

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The German Islam Conference: New Ways for Solving Old Problems

Mikhaleva Albina

The paper examines the phenomenon of The German Islam Conference – the new form of the dialogue with Muslims at the state level, and analyzes the reasons of its origin, conditions of initiation, tasks, practical results and public resonance. In spite of the limited final decisions, the Conference contributed to the appreciable polarization of public opinion concerning the basic values of Leitkultur and the integration policy of the German leadership.

Keywords: Islam, Islam Conference, muslim-state relations, integration policy, integration, religious identity.


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