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Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)


— showed 10 articles from34


Legal Personality and Competence of the State Bodies: Content of the Terms and their Correlation

Emikh Valentina

The article considers basic viewpoints on the relation of legal personality and competence of state bodies. The author argues that above-mentioned terms have different content. Nevertheless, the competence of state bodied is regarded as one of the factors, which influence the very nature of their legal personality.

Keywords: state body, legal entity, state power, competence, authority, legal personality of the state body, rights and duties of the state body.

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Formation and Development of the Institute of Public Hearing

Ocheretina Maria

The article analyzes the institute of public hearing in the context of development of deliberative democracy institutes, describes history of formation and development of deliberative democracy institutes in Russia and foreign countries and examines the status of present-day Russian public hearing legislation.

Keywords: public hearing, deliberative democracy, history of formation and development of the institute of public hearing, public hearing legislation.

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The iInstitute of Draft Lottery in Recruitment to the Military Forces: Experience of the Russian Empire and USSR

Rudenko Victor

In the article the author analyzes the legal institute of draft lottery. This institute had been used for drafting of recruits into the army in Russian Empire (XVIII – the first half of XIX centuries) and for implementing of the general conscription to the military forces in the conditions of universal military obligation in Russian Empire (the second half of XIX – the beginning of XX centuries) and in the first years of USSR as well.

Keywords: recruits, draft, lot drawing, draft lottery, military appeals.

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Public Representation of Interests as a Republican Principle: G. Ellinek's Theory of Citizenship in Implementation of State Power

Filippova Natalya

The theory of public representation is reconstructed in the context of two legal traditions: republican and democratic. Substantive provisions of G. Ellinek theory of civil participation are named. Distinctions between G. Ellinek's concept and Russian jurists’ theories of national representation the beginning of XX c. are determined.

Keywords: republic, democracy, participation of citizens in implementation of public authority, public representation, public interest, the mixed form of power.

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The Order of Antiterrorist operation as one of the Measures of Constitutional and Legal Responsibility in the Legislation of the Russian Federation

Kondrashev Andrey

The article considers antiterrorist operation as one of the sanctions of constitutional and legal responsibility. The history of implementation of respective sanctions into federal legislation, their mechanism and shortages are described.

Keywords: constitutional and legal responsibility, antiterrorist operation, shortages and gaps in adaptation mechanism of those constitutional and legal sanction.

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The Role of Civil Society in Counteracting Corruption: Theoretical Aspects

Teplyashin Ivan

The article examines the mechanism of counteracting corruption in Russia and the role of civil society institutions. The author highlights the need to involve Russian civil society into implementation of methods aimed at combating corruption, and emphasizes the importance of comprehensive study of historical background of social and political development of individuals and society in Russia.

Keywords: counteraction toward corruption, Russian anti-corruption legislation, civil society, legal education of individual, counteracting corruption policy.

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Text Grammar and Theory of Discourse

Vikulova, Elena

The article refers to the grammar of the text as an interdisciplinary branch of linguistics. Its relationship with other linguistic disciplines dealing with the text or discourse is discussed.

Keywords: discourse, text, context, syntax, poststructuralism, text grammar, linguistics of the text.

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The First Russian Manuals of English

Sidorova Olga

The review of the first manuals, textbooks, and dictionaries of English written and published in Russia has been made. The author compares the methods of teaching English in Russia in the 18-19 centuries with modern ones.

Keywords: English as a foreign language, methods of teaching, the history of English teaching in Russia, the first manuals, textbooks, and dictionaries of English written and published in Russia.

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