Zheleznov Andrey
Abstract: The article is dedicated to the rethinking of the moral justification of property. Moral justification of property is the subject of European philosophy, which now receives additional relevance in connection with the new forms of post-industrial economy. The article proposes the analysis of the classical approach to the question of the moral justification of property, and provides an alternative solution. Classical approach is based on two assumptions: firstly, it is a presumption of nobody's world, which allows discussion about the moment of dividing common world into separate parts. Secondly, it is consideration of the property or ownership as something given for granted, which does not require analysis. The author proposes an alternative interpretation of property as the individual's ability to change the world. Thus, the concept of property obtains the ontological substantiation and does not require additional moral reasoning or justification.
Keywords: property, moral, capture, change, ownership, public good.