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catalogue – 43669
Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)

Martyanov Victor

Abstract: There have been a significant number of myths that justify corruption emerged in Russia. They complicate anti-corruption efforts connected to universal decisions in legal sphere, cultural policy, standards in state governing and public control. In any society, corruption cannot be absolutely avoided unless governing is performed by artificial sense that is anxious of public good, while human governing is spoiled by particular interests, preferences and human nature imperfections. Nevertheless, corruption can be minimized by twofold policy that combines restrictions of bureaucrats’ behavior by standards and public control with widening the borders of trust in public life.

The first includes state and municipal officers, as well as medical personnel, teachers, police officers and other state and municipal employees by reducing the spheres of uncertainty in their relations. This includes: a) adoption of technological standards and protocols in state and municipal service; b) liberalization of public life, reducing the scope of state regulation that will lead to reduction of the interface of contacts between citizens and bureaucracy that may include personal interest; c) creating effective mechanisms of feedbacks by active participation of citizens in state governance controlling; d) personified monetary social support.

The second imposes creating the conditions when corruptive behavior appears to be economically unprofitable and morally inacceptable. This means a) rising the office holders income that will enhance competition for the offices; b) intolerance of elites to any fact of corruption, including belongings confiscations and professional disqualifications; c) transparency of state decision-making; d) widening the public trust as eliminating the archaic models of social communications in favor of modern value and institutional mechanisms of social integration.


Keywords: corruption, resistance, effective values, state service standards, liberalization, trust, public control, authority transparency.

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