Gagarin Anatoly
The article examines the ancient roots of Homo Solus, a lonely man. First, antique Homo Solus manifested himself in the form of negative loneliness, the isolation of a person who feels lonely being flawed from his own self, which did not allow him to be inside the life of the policy. Such person was either a "bad man", the marginal excluded from the society, or, as king Oedipus, was manly passive antique tragic figure, a loner entering a dangerous path of self-reflection. The second was sublimely positive loneliness, the solitude: it was Homo Solus as the sage, aspiring to achieve identity with higher powers (deities, the goodness), chatting with the essential otherness inside the self. Based on the principle of the "golden mean" and "the measure of everything", ancient Greek sage did not put himself in the center of the universe. He did not identify himself (the I) with the divine, the essence. The intention toward the "golden mean" refers to the consolidation in the phenomenological philosophical topic the ideal of contemplative spiritual dispassionate identification with a perfect entity. The specificity and charm of antique model of the loneliness lies in the following fact: regardless of the opinion of the crowd, a man looking for wisdom is (by virtue of this philosophical intention) oriented toward the "measure of everything". He is located in the middle of everything, in the center of the universe and space (but as in spite of the subjective will of the philosopher, without desire, without passion). The sage is a man who strives toward loneliness and, at the same time, deviates from loneliness. A person becoming an intentional point of self-consciousness has looked into his soul as in a mirror, especially in its divine part, which contains the wisdom as the dignity of the soul.
Keywords: loneliness, phenomenological topic, existential of human being, friendship, wisdom, sage, Ancient philosophy, Hesiod, Oedipus, Democritus, Heraclitus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche.