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Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)


— showed 11 articles from31


Fundamentalism and Identity Mania

Stepanova Elena

The article considers fundamentalism as particular method of cultural work and special form of political instrumentalization of cultural differences in various civilizations. The influence of fundamentalism over the process of personal and social identity is observed. The author analyzes religious, socio-psychological and ethical aspects of fundamentalism.

Keywords: fundamentalism, identity, identity mania, modernity, tolerance, tradition, civilization style, cultural differences, dialogue.


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Scientific Literature as Subject of Philosophy of Science

Miroshnikov Yuri

The author enlarges the field of philosophy of science by analyzing scientific text as the most important result of scientific work. The article contains philosophical, philological and linguistic analysis of some elements of science literature such as genre, style, author and reader.

Keywords: scientific literature, genres of scientific literature, style of scientific text.


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Pre-conditions os Institutional Stage in Evolution of Social Work

Koryakovtsev Andrey

The article interprets the rise of the institute of social work as a necessary result of macro-revolutionary cycle in the first half of the XX c. and of the cultural evolution in industrial societies.

Keywords: institute of social work, macro-revolutionary cycle, bureaucratic society, modernized capitalism, social project of fascism, models of social policy, social care, social help, socio-economic model.


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Obolkina Svetlana


The article contains brief analysis of philosophical-cultural and methodological prerequisites of general and social ecology. General ecology in contrast to social ecology demonstrates the object adequacy and methodological constituency. That is why the use of its methodological thesaurus enables foreseeing perspectives of new and more effective scientific strategy of ecology.


Keywords: general ecology, social ecology, evolutional paradigm, reductionism, energy approach, culture, civilization.


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Creativity of the Principle of Subject in Philosophy

Goncharov Sergei , Popova Natalya

The authors consider the principle of subject as a form of social activity, which characterizes the abilities of persons and collective bodies towards self-determination, self-organization, self-government and standard creative work; their authority in implementing socially important needs and aims; their power over natural and social forces.

Keywords: subject, self-determination, self-activity, self-organization, self-government, standard creative work, competition, civil society.


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Political science

Paradigms of Ethnic Strategy in Neo-post-Soviet Russia

Fadeicheva Marianna

The article analyzes new tendencies in ethno-national sphere. The author describes the features of the management of ethnic inter-relationship, argues for new concept of governmental ethnic policy and pays special attention to migration as an essential part of such policy.

Keywords: ethnos, nation, ethnic policy, migration policy, ethno-nationalism, xenophobia.


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World-Empire in the Future Perspective: Possible Principles of Post-Bipolar-World Integration

Martyanov Victor

The author supposes that the joint future for the former Soviet republics and other naturally inclining macro-regions is possible only as an empire project. That is why the main present-day task is constructing the capitalist world-economy into the worldempire.

Keywords: integration, Russia, CIS, empire, world-empire, world-economy, sovereignty, cosmopolitism, transformation of classic modernity.

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The Internet as the Sublime Object of Ideology in Anti-Capitalist Rhetoric

Trakhtenberg Anna

The author describes the evolution of the Internet analysis in modern critical theory. The utopian hope to make Internet the basis for the transition from “great society” to “great community” dissolves into the search of new methods for organizing “war of position” on Internet. The article describes how anti-capitalist critic sees Internet as transcendental object and revelation of “Electric Sublime”.


Keywords: the Internet, “Electric Sublime”, “Universal Machine”, instrumental logics, alternate sociality, alternate reality, the surmount of the body, speculative software.



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Citizenship and Migration in Political Concepts in the XX Century

Fan Irina

The article observes the main concepts of transformation of the institute of citizenship under the influence of globalization and migration in particular. The author demonstrates the historical and socio-cultural conditions of this institute, its changeable and controvertial character.

Keywords: citizenship, institute, migration, global political process.


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The Concept of Regional Competitiveness: Controversies of Implementation

Pankevich Natalia

The article observes the concept of regional competitiveness, its theoretical limitations and political outcomes of its implementation in actual political situation. The author demonstrates correlation between the implementation of those concepts and growing disproportion of regional and state development.

Keywords: regional development, disproportions of regional development, regional competitiveness.


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