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Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)


— showed 7 articles from31


New Model of Differentiation and Decentralization of Power in Russian Federalism: Problems of Securing the Interests of Constituent Members of Russian Federation

Filippova Natalya

The author analyzes preconditions and contents of the federal reform in Russia (2003–2008) and considers the legal nature of the new model of power differentiation, especially in the issues of joint conduct, and shows its shortages and legal consequences.

Keywords: differentiation of subjects of conduct and power, subjects of joint conduct of Russian Federation, transfer of power, participation of subjects in implementation of federal power.

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The Institute of Draft Lottery in Recruitment to USA Army: Problems of Randomization

Rudenko Victor

The author analyzes the legal aspects of draft lottery in recruitment to USA army through considering experiences of conscriptions during the American Civil War, World Wars I and II and the Vietnam War. The significance of those experiences for legal regulation of draft in the framework of Selective Service System (SSS) is described.

Keywords: Draft, conscriptions, lot drawing, draft lottery, randomization, Selective Service System (SSS).


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Concept and Types of the Institute of Public Hearings

Ocheretina Maria

The author analyzes the legal nature of public hearings and their main characteristics. The article describes the main types of public hearings as the institute of deliberative democracy and shows possibilities of its implementation.

Keywords: public hearings, deliberative democracy, characteristics and concept of public hearings, types of public hearings, significance of public hearings.


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The Implicit Category of Middle Voice in Modern English

Vikulova, Elena

The article suggests that the verb-forms in the sentences: “The door opened. The book sells well”, should be treated as the forms of the implicit category of the Middle Voice in Modern English. It is related to the category of transitivity/intransitivity of English verbs in particular and Indo-European verbs in general. The communicative aspect of this grammatical phenomenon is expressed by the growing number of transitive English verbs being used as intransitive.

Keywords: category of voice, middle voice, transitivity/intransitivity of English verbs.


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