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Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)


— showed 11 articles from38



The Intellectual Marks and Discoursive Turns in the History of the Contemporary Political Philosophy

Rusakova Olga

The article deals with the intellectual marks and discoursive turns in the history of the contemporary political philosophy since the 1950s. In the context of the concrete historical and intellectual situations the contribution of the foreign and soviet-Russian authors into the development of actual political philosophy problems is exposed.

Keywords: contemporary political philosophy, intellectual mark, discoursive field, dis- coursive turns, discoursive complex.

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The Concept of Man in the History of European Philosophy and Culture

Medvedev Vjacheslav

The main trends of development of the concept of «man» in Western philosophy and culture (from Antiquity up to the present day) are discussed in the paper. The role of philosophy and concepts of man which are elaborated within its frame are examined in the context of the development of culture and society as well as of man’s consciousness, worldview and world perception. 

Keywords: man, personality, consciousness, concept, world view, levels of subject identity, anthropological turn.

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Spiritual Self-release of a Person in I.A. Ilyin’s Interpretation of Hegel’s Anthropology

Alexandrov Aleksandr , Kolomeytseva Tatiana

The paper highlights the problem of the necessity of person’s spiritual self-release in I.A.Ilyin’s anthropological interpretation of Hegel’s philosophy.  Person’s realization of freedom is considered as the summary of self-reflection, choice and practical act.

Keywords: freedom, spiritual self-release, existentialism, concretization of an absolute, person’s self-determination, theology.

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Technological Civilization and Human Corporality

Obolkina Svetlana

The phenomenon of interconnection between the human body and technical de- vices is considered as a peculiarity of technological civilization. The analysis is developed on the ground of philosophical anthropology, human corporality is used as the main category.  Engineering, technological civilization, engineering philosophy, anthropological approach, corporality, paradigm of corporality, techno evolution.

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The Analysis of Widespread (Myths) About Marx's Philosophy

Koryakovtsev Andrey , Lubutin Konstantin

In connection with a growing interest to Marx's theoretical heritage, the article presents the attempt to consider various aspects and the reasons for inadequate under- standing of Marx’s philosophy (from almost complete lack of reading of Marx’s works and mixing his views with Engels’s ideas to scientist and humanistic excesses in its general interpretations). After critical analysis, authors conclude that Marx's philosophy is a system, which includes philosophical anthropology, social philosophy and philosophy of history. By virtue of the fact that the integrity of Marx's philosophy is funded on the aspiration to emancipate the human being from all forms of alienation and inauthentic being at all stages of the development of his theory, the authors oppose the division of Marx's work into «early» and «late» periods.

Keywords: philosophy of Marx, philosophy of Engels, neo-Marxism, Leninism, scientism, humanism, existential values, inadequate reading of Marx's philosophy, «early» and «late» Marx, an epistemological rupture (coupure epistemologique), the structure of Marx's philosophy.

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American Marxology in the Context of Modern History (on A. Meggill’s Book «Karl Marx: the Burden of Reason»)

Koryakovtsev Andrey , Lubutin Konstantin

The article is devoted to critical analysis of marxological conception developed by contemporary American researcher in the context of social history of XX–XXI centuries.  

Keywords: marxism, modern social history, marxology, idealism, materialism, materialistic comprehension of history, rationality, dialectics, philosophical anthropology. 

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Discrete Mathematical Representing (“Digitizing”) a Formal-axiological Aspect of the Metaphysics (Parmenides, Melissus, Plato, Aristotle) and of the Materialistic Dialectics

Lobovikov Vladimir

The paper deals with constructing and investigating discrete mathematical simulations of formal-axiological aspect of the following philosophy systems: (1) the Eleatic metaphysics – Parmenides and Melissus; (2) the metaphysics of Plato and Aristotle; (3) the dialectical materialism of K. Marx and F. Engels. The formal-axiological analysis is implemented by means of artificial languages and properly mathematical notions. 

Keywords: formal, axiology, metaphysics, contradiction, movement, matter, evaluation, function, variable, algebra.

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Socio-cultural Cross-identification of Logic

Kislov Alexey

The paper investigates socio-cultural aspects of contemporary status and development of logic. These aspects become very important with respect to the deuniversalization of the classical logic and proliferation of different types of logic systems.

Keywords: logic, history-of-logic, deuniversalization-of-classical-logic, non-classical logics, social-aspect-of logic, logic-and-the-humanities.

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Specificity of Formation of Gnosiological Series in Collective Cognition

Ponosov Fedor

The article examines the process of achievement of the truth in collective cognition. The main idea is illustrated by the example of studying the form of the earth as well as the geographical borders of its lands and waters. The author concludes that truth and aberration in collective cognition are dialectically interconnected, while gnosiological series appears to be a form of such interrelation.

Keywords: gnosiological series, truth, aberration, the subject of cognition, the object of knowledge, epistemological way.

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