Abstract: Different social discourses structure sociality. The meanings, which defines the discourse, gives special connotations that are rooted in the social. The article discusses the process of functioning of sports space and sports discourse. Its basic structuring elements such as competition, athlete, referee, spectator result are founded. These concepts are discussed in historical perspective that reveals the meaning of competition through the transition from war to sports. In addition, the position of the referee from Absolute subject in hostilities to the presence in the ring as the presenter of social meanings is defined. These structuring elements of the space are points of contact of sports with the social. During a match, allocation (transition of meaning from one person to another) of the social as social meaning occurs. In the same time, sports discourse begins to construct itself in accordance with the self-defined social values. Sports discourse reflects the dynamic and cyclical changes of social meanings that are presented in the dominance of certain values. Competitiveness, which is the basis of sports discourse, structures social space where
changing social meanings are objectified. Being present in specially organized space of competition, athlete gets socially approved opportunity to compete for the redistribution of symbolic capital. In the state of lack or absence of the language, social meanings are redistributed. As a result, sports event and purely sports meanings are reduced at the finish line. The final positions of the athlete’ bodies are interpreted in different social discourses. Discourse of sports presents dynamic and cyclical changes of social meanings expressed in the domination of certain values. Competitiveness, which is the basis of sports discourse, structures social space, in which changing social meanings are objectified.
Keywords: sports, competitiveness, social meaning, presence.