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Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)


— showed 10 articles from31

Political science

Concept of Totalitarism in the Works of Hannah Arendt

Malyshev Mikhail

The analysis of works of Hannah Arendt shows that hitlerian and stalian regimes, in spite of their differences, had common metaphysical bases: they considered the laws of Nature and History as highest sacral divinities that authorized the realization of political aims of totalitarian movements. The author investigates the process of assimilation and transformation by the totalitarian ideologies the previous elements of history, the terror as the method of transformation of the social structures into the homogeneous movement of the masses, directed by their leaders, and the banality of the evil in the implementation of the policy of genocide.

Keywords: totalitarism, sacralization of Nature and History, terror, the masses, social atomism, ideology, banality of evil.

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Don Gaspar Malchor de Jovellanos: Looking for the Political-Ideological Identity

Vasilenko Yuri

The author analyzes three interpretations on G.M. de Jovellanos political-ideological heritage - liberal, traditionalist and liberal-conservative ones, - which reflected the complicated and contradictory character of the genesis of Spanish liberal conservatism in the end of XVIII - the beginning of XIX centuries.

Keywords: political ideology, liberalism, traditionalism, liberal conservatism, Spain.

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Reasons and Preconditions for Emergence of the Term "Double Standarts" in Political Discourse

Bulipopova Ekaterina

The article contains the analysis of the process of emerging of the term "double standards" in political and judicial discourse. The author uses methods of structural-linguistic and comparative historical analysis and comes to the point that there are objective reasons and preconditions for the emergence of "double standards" as phenomenon and the term.

Keywords: politics, political science, double-standard politics, double standards, double-standard principle, discourse, structural-linguistic analysis, inequality, natural law, Ancient epoch, liberalism, political philosophy.

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Public Representation: Legal Nature, Types and Forms

Filippova Natalya

The legal nature of public representation is observed in comparison with civil law representation; the solution of the problem of collective nature of representative bodies of the power is offered; classification and characteristic of types and forms of public representation are given.

Keywords: public representation, corporate representation, national representation, representation of subjects of federation, presence, delegation, elective representation.

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The Term "Competence of State Body" in Contemporary Russian Law

Emikh Valentina

The article analyzes the methods of establishing the competence of state bodies in the legislation of the Russian Federation. The author concludes about the lack of uniform understanding of the term "Competence of state body" in the legislation. Basic viewpoints on the term "Competence of state body" and on its structure are examined. The author offers her own definition of the term "Competence of state body" and distinguishes its characteristics.

Keywords: state body, state power, competence, subjects of competence, authority, rights and duties of state body, methods of establishing competence of state bodies.

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Constitutional-Legal Responsibility and Other Legal Means in the Mechanism of Protection of Constitutional Order (Measures of Protection, Control and Supervision)

Kondrashev Andrey

The article is devoted to the institute of constitutional-legal responsibility and other legal means and mechanisms of protection of constitutional order. The author considers in more details the difference between control and supervision and analyses the institute of "right measures of protection" from several points of view.

Keywords: administrative supervision, state control, measures of protection, prevention, suppression, preclusion, public prosecutor's supervision, legal responsibility.

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Classification of the Terms of Civil-Law Contract Based on the Criterion of the Scope of Freedom of the Parties in their Determination

Kazantsev Mikhail

The author proposes and justifies the original multi-level classification of civil contract, where conditions are classified in terms of freedom of parties in determing the content of conditions.

Keywords: civil contract, the condition of the contract, the classification of contract terms, the mandatory term of the contract permitted by clause, invalid stipulation, predetermined stipulation, non-predefined clause. 

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Kodolova Alena

The concept of the article includes comprehensive analysis of the recommendatory international documents, devoted to the protection of the basic environmental human rights.

Keywords: environmental human rights, the human rights to favorable environment, the human right to the access to environmental information, public participation in environmental decision making, the human right to the compensation of the injured or property losses due to environmental law violation.

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To the 100th Anniversary of S.V. Vonsovskii (1910-2010)

"Much was Remembered, Much was Learnt and Much was Thought of ...". Vonsovskii S.V. Magnetism of Science. Memoirs. Part 2. Ekaterinburg: UB RAS, 2010. 356 p.

Miroshnikov Yuri

The book considers the life journey of Academician S.V. Vonsovskii. His starting point was Tashkent where he have got school mates. Then, studies in Leningrad where the prospective Academician got his status as a scientist, and, finally, Sverdlovsk where Vonsovskii became the founder of Ural academic school of theoretical physics.

Keywords: academician S.V. Vonsovskii, memoirs, family records, latters, recollections of teachers, colleagues, students, relatives, school and personal friends, scientific achievements, problems in private life, perception of Soviet cultural events.


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