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Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)


— showed 11 articles from42


Loneliness as Existentiale of Medieval Philosophy

Gagarin Anatoly

The concept of loneliness is regarded as the existentiale, which concentrates the problem of the meaning of life in the phenomenological aspect of the topics – in the “place” of I, surrounded by personal boundaries. Existential "loneliness" helps to understand authentic «I», to identify and organize essential value conditions of the self. The Medieval concept of loneliness reinterprets the experience of the ancient philosophical understanding of existential problems of loneliness and of the Old Testament in its relation to loneliness. Christianity puts on the first place the unique experience of Lonely God-Man – Jesus Christ, who pointed out the way to overcome loneliness, fear and death by the price of his own tragic experience. Each person who a priori looks for the answers to the "eternal" existential questions and comes to the discovery of Divine Truth, is proposed to follow his example and build the life from birth to death under the sign of religious experience of loneliness.
Keywords: loneliness, рhenomenological topics of Medieval man, existence, existentiale of human being, intention, identity, self, the meaning of life, wisdom, Wiseman, loneliness, death, fear, Medieval Philosophy, Augustine Aurelius, Abelard, Thomas a Kempis.

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Human Resources in Context of Social Transformations: Problems and Tendencies

Romanova Kira

The paper deals with problems of development of human resources in conditions of contemporary social transformations. The author makes distinction between the notions: “human resources” and “human capital”. She gives retrospective review of changes of labor market in Russia. In addition, she analyses the change of evaluative attitude toward “human resources” on different stages of the development of contemporary society. The article points out main tendencies in the development of human resources. The article announces the research of the conflict between Russian society and individuals in the light of innovative aspects of technologies of stabilization. The article considers some issues connected with the mechanism of state influence on implementation of strategies of innovative development of the man of labor in its near and far perspectives.

Keywords: human resources, human capital, transformation, value system, social status, quality of life.

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On Border of Private and Public: Social Reflection in Media Space

Cherepanova Tatiana

The article is devoted to the exploration of social reflection in the media space. The question about borders of socially meaningful discourse, which produces publicly essential conditions for social reflections is raised. Basic dichotomy of private and public in the frame of new media-format and the status of public talk in modern forms of mass communication is analyzed. The article describes both classic philosophical conceptions of private and public (H. Arendt), of  public sphere (J. Habermas), of individual and public (Z. Baumann), of the phenomenon of talk (M. Heidegger) and contemporary studies of communication in media space (N. Luhmann, M. Castells, N. Bolz, R. Sennett, etc.). The purpose of the article is to argue that classic models of publicity do not make sense in contemporary forms of social reflection. However, more importantly is that the new forms of social reflections can be represented only in a random discussion without connotation. Consumer continues to be the subject of media space, but not the creator of socially important ideas.

Keywords: communication, discussion, media space, private and public, social reflection.

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Between Something and "Almost Nothing"

Malyshev Mikhail

The article describes the essence of aphoristics in terms of protest against the domi- nant influence of popular stereotypes embedded in everyday consciousness. An aphorism is defined as a play of thought and irony. The author shows that unlike the logical discourse, the aim of aphorism is not to express the truth in its possible entirety, but to highlight one of its facets or give it a new shade of meaning. The article provides examples of the author’s aphorisms, which are all based on the idea of irony. 

Keywords: Aphoristics, aphorism, aphorist, maxim, irony. 

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Political science

Early J. Donoso Cortes (1820-1848): Making a Traditionalist

Vasilenko Yuri

The article analyzes two periods in the evolution of ideas and values of the out- standing Spanish traditionalist Donoso Cortes`: the progressist (1820-1836) and the liberal- conservative (1836-1848) ones. Being guided by the methodological lines of the Spanish histori- an-traditionalist M. Menendez-y-Pelayo and the German historian–positivist E. Schramm, the author offers some arguments in honor of Donoso`s traditionalist interpretation of political-ideological identity as the basis for the analysis of his ideas, views and values in the early (pre-traditionalist) years. In order to achieve the aim, the author divides between the Donoso`s traditionalist philosophical world-view and the Donoso`s progressist and liberal-conservative political-ideological rhetoric. In the author’s opinion, the former is the basis for the latter. By interpreting early Donoso as traditionalist, the author is being able to demonstrate the complex and contradictory character of Spanish traditionalists` search for ideology and values in the conditions of the coming New – liberal and bourgeois – Order. 

Keywords: Donoso Cortes, political-ideological identity, political ideology, progressism, liberal conservatism, traditionalism, Spain.

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Heroism and Universalism

Fishman Leonid

The article reveals connection between heroic ethics and universalism of values. At the first glance, heroic ethics contradicts any form of the universalism of values. However, the article proves that the virtues of heroic ethics provide necessary conditions for the achievement of the goals, which are universal and “external” to man. It is also shown that heroic ethics appeals to the universal and traditional idea of self-transformation, which gives human being a chance to improve the ability to change his nature. The author argues that both the decline of the Left Movement and the crisis of its values were caused by the discrediting and rejection of heroic ethics due to the cultural revolution of the 1960th. 

Keywords: heroic ethics, ethics of principles, virtues, universalism, counterculture, Leftists.

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Neo-liberal Discourse: Strategies and Technologies for Constructing of New Subjectiveness

Khmelinin Aleksey , Rusakova Olga

The article examines basic features of neo-liberal discourse, and describes main components of neo-liberal doctrine. Special attention is paid to the analysis of “left” criticism of neo-liberalism, presented in the works of D. Harvey, P. Dardo, K. Laval, N. Khomsky, S. Zhizhek, etc. It is noted that neo-liberal discourse is directed strategically toward constructing of new subjectiveness, which interiorize principles of competitiveness and jouissance. The article reveals manipulative peculiarities of neo-liberal media-discourse. The discourse of neo-liberalism is presented as a variation of the Soft Power.

Keywords:  discourse, neo-liberal discourse, constructing of subjectiveness, manipulative technologies, Soft Power, jouissance.

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Dyakova Elena

The paper shows that international e-government development rankings do not take into account political regime and specific features of national administrative culture that define a set of core objectives of e-government transition. Global e-government discourse is used pragmatically for solving local problems, and the same terms have different meanings. This thesis is justified based on comparative analysis of e-government transition in USA, Peoples Republic of China and Russian Federation. Information technology implementation to US public administration was hold under the slogan of citizen’s empowerment, and was bossed on the experience gained in e-commerce. Chinese e-government is formed for improving the efficacy of local authorities by tightening central control, and is designed to support economic growth. Russian approach to e-government transition is contradictory, and it includes a lot of equally important goals. This is typical for domestic administrative culture. 

Keywords: E-government, e-government development index, global discourse, public administration culture.

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E-government: is "Reinventing the Government" Possible?

Trakhtenberg Anna

The paper shows that e-government rhetoric constantly comes into conflict with the practice of e-government implementation. In rhetorical terms, e-government is seen as a tool for REGO designed to provide the transition from rigid hierarchical structures of traditional public administration to integrated “one-stop government”. Information technologies make possible for authorities to do more with less and ensure citizen empowerment. This approach combines normative theory of democracy with technocratic utopia. But the real process of e-government implementation regularly runs into organizational resistance, and it is accompanied by numerous failures of costly projects. Conservative officials who do not want to work as expected are usually blamed for these failures. However, from the neo-institutionalist point of view, the failures are the result of public administration desire to confirm its legitimacy, at the same time ignoring the effectiveness of the proposed measures. It seems that new technologies implementation is a ritual that allows showing the administration modernity and social responsibility. It means that e- government may cause some incremental changes that could potentially generate cumulative effect. 

Keywords: e-government, new public management theory, neo-institutionalism, institutional isomorphism, institutional myth.

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Religion and Socities in Central and Eastern Europe after Collapse of Communism

Elensky Victor

The dilemma what is the essence of post-communist religious changes in Central and Eastern Europe, and in what way these changes give rise to social, political and cultural development of the region is discussed. The article reveals that post-communist societies are returning to the natural patterns of their own religious culture – patterns shaped through the centuries by their historical development, cultural heritage, distinctive socio-psychological features, and sense of belonging to a certain culture and civilization. The author argues that the sphere, in which religious changes in post-communist countries take place, is more at the institutional level than at the individual conversion’s realm. These changes are more evident in the field where religion turns into a serious factor of political and ethnical mobilization. This phenomenon has distinctly manifested itself in some episodes of the post-communist decade. 

Keywords: socio-religious changes, cultural heritage, post-communism, religiosity.

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Russian Megapolises: from industrial Centers towards Strategy of Multifunctional Agglomeration

Martyanov Victor , Rudenko Victor

The article analyses specific features and results of Soviet and Russian industri- alization in a comparison with dominating world trends. In addition, the possible ways of post-soviet transformation of Russian megacities are examined. The particular emphasis is put on the analyses of today’s situation. The article provides arguments in favor of the strategy of cohesion of large cities with satellite towns. The authors stress that the improvement of the weaknesses of the Russian cities conditioned by Soviet path of development is connected with the transformation of industrial centers into multifunctional agglomeration. The periphery of such agglomeration is able to become a place of enhanced development that will help to balance quality of life in city cores and suburbs, as well as it will promote infrastructural de-concentration and shifting resources to the most disadvantaged urban spaces. As a result, the network of Russian megacities will transform into geographically extended centre attracting resources from the world system and stimulating the growth and modernization of Russia.

Keywords: megapolis, mono-town, urbanization, agglomeration, diversification, urban network, urban development strategy.

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