Volodenkov Sergey
The article is devoted to the issues related to impact peculiarities of technological transformations in information and communication sphere over the processes of political development. The main aspect is studying and analyzing the potential of contemporary information and communication technologies as an instrument aimed at influencing public consciousness. It is shown that the development of information and communication technologies in the Internet space greatly affects the substantive parameters of functioning of modern political regimes, as well as contributes to the evolution of traditional models of democracy. It is proved that today the society is formed where the main value is no longer the information itself, but communication technologies and channels of communication. Not information, but communication connection and communication capabilities are the primary political value in contemporary society. According to the author, political information outside the context of possibilities of its use in the processes of communication interaction loses its traditional value. In contrast, today the core value including political one is the possibility of communication interaction, in connection with which modern communication technologies are aimed at forming effective global forms of communication, as well as the creation of new communication mechanisms of interaction. The political stability of contemporary political systems depends on important factors such as information and communication potential of socio-political relations, and the effectiveness of its implementation in current political practice of both state and civilian actors. Special demands are made on organization and implementation of the processes of contemporary political governance both in internal and external environment, which today takes place in the conditions of active competition in national and global communication space. The conclusion is made that technological change of information and communication technologies in the Internet in a meaningful way affect both the functioning of the society, and the entire system of political governance. At the same time, political management model, which involves the use of a purely traditional media, will lose its relevance and effectiveness, and objectively would be replaced by new forms of political communication in the network communication space.
Keywords: post-information society; communication technologies; Internet space; network community; models of democracy.